Posts tagged "spacemacs":

15 Jun 2022

Power-mode in Spacemacs

I just found the Power Mode for Emacs. If you want to try it out in Spacemacs you can make sure that your ~/.spacemacs contains the following

  (power-mode :location (recipe
                         :fetcher github
                         :repo "elizagamedev/power-mode.el"))

After a restart Power Mode can be turned on using SPC SPC power-mode.

Unfortunately I found that it slows down rendering so badly that Emacs isn't keeping up with my typing. Even though I removed it right away again it was fun to try it out, and I did learn how to add package to Spacemacs that aren't on MELPA.

A useful resource is this reference on the recipe format.

Tags: emacs spacemacs
23 Jul 2021

Keeping todo items in org-roam v2

Org-roam v2 has been released and yes, it broke my config a bit. Unfortunately the v1-to-v2 upgrade wizard didn't work for me. I realized later that it might have been due to the roam-related functions I'd hooked into `'before-save-hook`. I didn't think about it until I'd already manually touched up almost all my files (there aren't that many) so I can't say anything for sure. However, I think it might be a good idea to keep hooks in mind if one runs into issues with upgrading.

The majority of the time I didn't spend on my notes though, but on the setup I've written about in an earlier post, Keeping todo items in org-roam. Due to some of the changes in v2, changes that I think make org-roam slightly more "org-y", that setup needed a bit of love.

The basis is still the same 4 functions I described in that post, only the details had to be changed.

I hope the following is useful, and as always I'm always happy to receive commends and suggestions for improvements.

Some tag helpers

The very handy functions for extracting tags as lists seem to be gone, in their place I found org-roam-{get,set}-keyword. Using these I wrote three wrappers that allow slightly nicer handling of tags.

(defun roam-extra:get-filetags ()
  (split-string (or (org-roam-get-keyword "filetags") "")))

(defun roam-extra:add-filetag (tag)
  (let* ((new-tags (cons tag (roam-extra:get-filetags)))
         (new-tags-str (combine-and-quote-strings new-tags)))
    (org-roam-set-keyword "filetags" new-tags-str)))

(defun roam-extra:del-filetag (tag)
  (let* ((new-tags (seq-difference (roam-extra:get-filetags) `(,tag)))
         (new-tags-str (combine-and-quote-strings new-tags)))
    (org-roam-set-keyword "filetags" new-tags-str)))

The layer

roam-extra:todo-p needed no changes at all. I'm including it here only for easy reference.

(defun roam-extra:todo-p ()
  "Return non-nil if current buffer has any TODO entry.

TODO entries marked as done are ignored, meaning the this
function returns nil if current buffer contains only completed
      (org-element-parse-buffer 'headline)
    (lambda (h)
      (eq (org-element-property :todo-type h)
    nil 'first-match))

As pretty much all functions I used in the old version of roam-extra:update-todo-tag are gone I took the opportunity to rework it completely. I think it ended up being slightly simpler. I suspect the the use of org-with-point-at 1 ... is unnecessary, but I haven't tested it yet so I'm leaving it in for now.

(defun roam-extra:update-todo-tag ()
  "Update TODO tag in the current buffer."
  (when (and (not (active-minibuffer-window))
    (org-with-point-at 1
      (let* ((tags (roam-extra:get-filetags))
             (is-todo (roam-extra:todo-p)))
        (cond ((and is-todo (not (seq-contains-p tags "todo")))
               (roam-extra:add-filetag "todo"))
              ((and (not is-todo) (seq-contains-p tags "todo"))
               (roam-extra:del-filetag "todo")))))))

In the previous version roam-extra:todo-files was built using an SQL query. That felt a little brittle to me, so despite that my original inspiration contains an updated SQL query I decided to go the route of using the org-roam API instead. The function org-roam-node-list makes it easy to get all nodes and then finding the files is just a matter of using seq-filter and seq-map. Now that headings may be nodes, and that heading-based nodes seem to inherit the top-level tags, a file may appear more than once, hence the call to seq-unique at the end.

Based on what I've seen V2 appears less eager to sync the DB, so to make sure all nodes are up-to-date it's best to start off with forcing a sync.

(defun roam-extra:todo-files ()
  "Return a list of roam files containing todo tag."
  (let ((todo-nodes (seq-filter (lambda (n)
                                  (seq-contains-p (org-roam-node-tags n) "todo"))
    (seq-uniq (seq-map #'org-roam-node-file todo-nodes))))

With that in place it turns out that also roam-extra:update-todo-files worked without any changes. I'm including it here for easy reference as well.

(defun roam-extra:update-todo-files (&rest _)
  "Update the value of `org-agenda-files'."
  (setq org-agenda-files (roam-extra:todo-files)))

Hooking it up

The variable org-roam-file-setup-hook is gone, so the the more general find-file-hook will have to be used instead.

(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'roam-extra:update-todo-tag)
(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'roam-extra:update-todo-tag)
(advice-add 'org-agenda :before #'roam-extra:update-todo-files)
Tags: emacs org-mode org-roam spacemacs
14 Mar 2021

Keeping todo items in org-roam

A while ago I made an attempt to improve my work habits by keeping a document with TODO items. It lasted only for a while, and I've since had the intention to make another attempt. Since then I've started using org-roam and I've managed to create a habit of writing daily journal notes using org-roam's daily-notes. A few times I've thought that it might fit me well to put TODO items in the notes, but that would mean that I'd have to somehow keep track of them. At first I manually added a tag to each journal fily containing a TODO item. That didn't work very well at all, which should have been obvious up front. Then I added the folders where I keep roam files and journals to org-agenda-files, that worked a lot better. I'd still be using that, even if I expected it to slow down considerably as the number of files grow, but then I found a post on dynamic and fast agenda with org-roam.

I adjusted it slightly to fit my own setup a bit better, i.e. I made a Spacemacs layer, roam-extra, I use the tag todo, and I use a different hook to get the tag added on opening an org-roam file.

The layer consists of a single file, layers/roam-extra/funcs.el. In it I define 4 functions (they are pretty much copies of the functions in the post linked above):

  1. roam-extra:todo-p - returns non-nil if the current current buffer contains a TODO item.
  2. roam-extra:update-todo-tag - updates the tags of the current buffer to reflect the presence of TODO items, i.e. ensure the the tag todo is present iff there's a TODO item.
  3. roam-extra:todo-files - uses the org-roam DB to return a list of all files containing the tag todo.
  4. roam-extra:update-todo-files - adjusts 'org-agenda-files to contain only the files with TODO items.

I've put the full contents of the file at the end of the post.

To ensure that the todo tag is correct in all org-mode files I've added roam-extra:update-todo-tag to hooks that are invoked on opening an org-ram file and when saving a file. (I would love to find a more specialise hook than before-save-hook, but it works for now.)

(add-hook 'org-roam-file-setup-hook #'roam-extra:update-todo-tag)
(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'roam-extra:update-todo-tag)

To ensure that the list of files with TODO items is kept up to date when I open I also wrap org-agenda in an advice so roam-extra:update-todo-files is called prior to the agenda being opened.

(advice-add 'org-agenda :before #'roam-extra:update-todo-files)

The layer, layers/roam-extra/funcs.el

(defun roam-extra:todo-p ()
  "Return non-nil if current buffer has any TODO entry.

TODO entries marked as done are ignored, meaning the this
function returns nil if current buffer contains only completed
      (org-element-parse-buffer 'headline)
    (lambda (h)
      (eq (org-element-property :todo-type h)
    nil 'first-match))

(defun roam-extra:update-todo-tag ()
  "Update TODO tag in the current buffer."
  (when (and (not (active-minibuffer-window))
             (org-roam--org-file-p buffer-file-name))
    (let* ((file (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
           (all-tags (org-roam--extract-tags file))
           (prop-tags (org-roam--extract-tags-prop file))
           (tags prop-tags))
      (if (roam-extra:todo-p)
          (setq tags (seq-uniq (cons "todo" tags)))
        (setq tags (remove "todo" tags)))
      (unless (equal prop-tags tags)
         (combine-and-quote-strings tags))))))

(defun roam-extra:todo-files ()
  "Return a list of note files containing todo tag."
    [:select file
             :from tags
             :where (like tags (quote "%\"todo\"%"))])))

(defun roam-extra:update-todo-files (&rest _)
  "Update the value of `org-agenda-files'."
  (setq org-agenda-files (roam-extra:todo-files)))
Tags: emacs org-mode org-roam spacemacs
22 Jun 2020

Better Nix setup for Spacemacs

In an earlier post I documented my setup for getting Spacemacs/Emacs to work with Nix. I've since found a much more elegant solution based on

No more Emacs packages for Nix and no need to defining functions that wrap executables in an invocation of nix-shell.

There's a nice bonus too, with this setup I don't need to run nix-shell, which always drops me at a bash prompt, instead I get a working setup in my shell of choice.

Setting up direnv

The steps for setting up direnv depends a bit on your setup, but luckily I found the official instructions for installing direnv to be very clear and easy to follow. There's not much I can add to that.

Setting up Spacemacs

Since emacs-direnv isn't included by default in Spacemacs I needed to do a bit of setup. I opted to create a layer for it, rather than just drop it in the list dotspacemacs-additional-packages. Yes, a little more complicated, but not difficult and I nurture an intention of submitting the layer for inclusion in Spacemacs itself at some point. I'll see where that goes.

For now, I put the following in the file ~/.emacs.d/private/layers/direnv/packages.el:

(defconst direnv-packages

(defun direnv/init-direnv ()
  (use-package direnv

Setting up the project folders

In each project folder I then add the file .envrc containing a single line:


Then I either run direnv allow from the command line, or run the function direnv-allow after opening the folder in Emacs.

Using it

It's as simple as moving into the folder in a shell – all required envvars are set up on entry and unset on exit.

In Emacs it's just as simple, just open a file in a project and the envvars are set. When switching to a buffer outside the project the envvars are unset.

There is only one little caveat, nix-build doesn't work inside a Nix shell. I found out that running

IN_NIX_SHELL= nix-build

does work though.

Tags: emacs nix spacemacs
07 Dec 2019

Nix setup for Spacemacs

Edit 2020-06-22: I've since found a better setup for this.

When using ghcide and LSP, as I wrote about in my post on Haskell, ghcide, and Spacemacs, I found myself ending up recompiling a little too often. This pushed me to finally start looking at Nix. After a bit of a fight I managed to get ghcide from Nix, which brought me the issue of setting up Spacemacs. Inspired by a gist from Samuel Evans-Powell and a guide to setting up an environment for Reflex by Thales Macedo Garitezi I ended up with the following setup:

(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook #'lsp)
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'nix-haskell-mode)
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook
            (lambda ()
              (setq-local flycheck-executable-find
                          (lambda (cmd)
                            (nix-executable-find (nix-current-sandbox) cmd)))
              (setq-local flycheck-command-wrapper-function
                          (lambda (argv)
                            (apply 'nix-shell-command (nix-current-sandbox) argv)))
              (setq-local haskell-process-wrapper-function
                          (lambda (argv)
                            (apply 'nix-shell-command (nix-current-sandbox) argv)))
              (setq-local lsp-haskell-process-wrapper-function
                          (lambda (argv)
                            `("nix-shell" "-I" "." "--command" "ghcide --lsp" ,(nix-current-sandbox))))))
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook
            (lambda ()
              (flycheck-add-next-checker 'lsp-ui '(warning . haskell-stack-ghc))))

It seems to work, but please let me know if you have suggestions for improvements.

Tags: emacs nix spacemacs
19 Sep 2019

Haskell, ghcide, and Spacemacs

The other day I read Chris Penner's post on Haskell IDE Support and thought I'd make an attempt to use it with Spacemacs.

After running stack build hie-bios ghcide haskell-lsp --copy-compiler-tool I had a look at the instructions on using haskell-ide-engine with Spacemacs. After a bit of trial and error I came up with these changes to my ~/.spacemacs:

(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
    (haskell :variables
             haskell-completion-backend 'lsp
(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
  (setq lsp-haskell-process-args-hie '("exec" "ghcide" "--" "--lsp")
        lsp-haskell-process-path-hie "stack"
        lsp-haskell-process-wrapper-function (lambda (argv) (cons (car argv) (cddr argv)))
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook

The slightly weird looking lsp-haskell-process-wrapper-function is removing the pesky --lsp inserted by this line.

That seems to work. Though I have to say I'm not ready to switch from intero just yet. Two things in particular didn't work with =ghcide=/LSP:

  1. Switching from one the Main.hs in one executable to the Main.hs of another executable in the same project didn't work as expected – I had hints and types in the first, but nothing in the second.
  2. Jump to the definition of a function defined in the package didn't work – I'm not willing to use GNU GLOBAL or some other source tagging system.
Tags: emacs haskell lsp spacemacs
28 Jan 2019

A missing piece in my Emacs/Spacemacs setup for Haskell development

With the help of a work mate I've finally found this gem that's been missing from my Spacemacs setup

(with-eval-after-load 'intero
  (flycheck-add-next-checker 'intero '(warning . haskell-hlint))
  (flycheck-add-next-checker 'intero '(warning . haskell-stack-ghc)))
Tags: haskell emacs spacemacs
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