19 Sep 2019

Haskell, ghcide, and Spacemacs

The other day I read Chris Penner's post on Haskell IDE Support and thought I'd make an attempt to use it with Spacemacs.

After running stack build hie-bios ghcide haskell-lsp --copy-compiler-tool I had a look at the instructions on using haskell-ide-engine with Spacemacs. After a bit of trial and error I came up with these changes to my ~/.spacemacs:

(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
    (haskell :variables
             haskell-completion-backend 'lsp
(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
  (setq lsp-haskell-process-args-hie '("exec" "ghcide" "--" "--lsp")
        lsp-haskell-process-path-hie "stack"
        lsp-haskell-process-wrapper-function (lambda (argv) (cons (car argv) (cddr argv)))
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook

The slightly weird looking lsp-haskell-process-wrapper-function is removing the pesky --lsp inserted by this line.

That seems to work. Though I have to say I'm not ready to switch from intero just yet. Two things in particular didn't work with =ghcide=/LSP:

  1. Switching from one the Main.hs in one executable to the Main.hs of another executable in the same project didn't work as expected – I had hints and types in the first, but nothing in the second.
  2. Jump to the definition of a function defined in the package didn't work – I'm not willing to use GNU GLOBAL or some other source tagging system.
Tags: emacs haskell lsp spacemacs