Posts tagged "nix":

20 Apr 2024

Update to Hackage revisions in Nix

A few days after I published Hackage revisions in Nix I got a comment from Wolfgang W that the next release of Nix will have a callHackageDirect with support for specifying revisions.

The code in PR #284490 makes callHackageDirect accept a rev argument. Like this:

haskellPackages.callHackageDirect {
  pkg = "openapi3";
  ver = "3.2.3";
  sha256 = "sha256-0F16o3oqOB5ri6KBdPFEFHB4dv1z+Pw6E5f1rwkqwi8=";
  rev = {
    revision = "4";
    sha256 = "sha256-a5C58iYrL7eAEHCzinICiJpbNTGwiOFFAYik28et7fI=";
} { }

That's a lot better than using overrideCabal!

Tags: haskell nix
14 Mar 2024

Hackage revisions in Nix

Today I got very confused when using callHackageDirect to add the openapi3 package gave me errors like this

> Using Parsec parser
> Configuring openapi3-3.2.3...
> CallStack (from HasCallStack):
>   withMetadata, called at libraries/Cabal/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Ut...
> Error: Setup: Encountered missing or private dependencies:
> base >= && <4.18,
> base-compat-batteries >=0.11.1 && <0.13,
> template-haskell >= && <2.20

When looking at its entry on Hackage those weren't the version ranges for the dependencies. Also, running ghc-pkg list told me that I already had all required packages at versions matching what Hackage said. So, what's actually happening here?

It took me a while before remembering about revisions but once I did it was clear that callHackageDirect always fetches the initial revision of a package (i.e. it fetches the original tar-ball uploaded by the author). After realising this it makes perfect sense – it's the only revision that's guaranteed to be there and won't change. However, it would be very useful to be able to pick a revision that actually builds.

I'm not the first one to find this, of course. It's been noted and written about on the discource several years ago. What I didn't find though was a way to influence what revision that's picked. It took a bit of rummaging around in the nixpkgs code but finally I found two variables that's used in the Hackage derivation to control this

Setting them is done using the overrideCabal function. This is a piece of my setup for a modified set of Haskell packages:

hl = nixpkgs.haskell.lib.compose;

hsPkgs = nixpkgs.haskell.packages.ghc963.override {
  overrides = newpkgs: oldpkgs: {
    openapi3 = hl.overrideCabal (drv: {
      revision = "4";
      editedCabalFile =
    }) (oldpkgs.callHackageDirect {
      pkg = "openapi3";
      ver = "3.2.3";
      sha256 = "sha256-0F16o3oqOB5ri6KBdPFEFHB4dv1z+Pw6E5f1rwkqwi8=";
    } { });

It's not very ergonomic, and I think an extended version of callHackageDirect would make sense.

Tags: haskell nix
21 Aug 2022

Patching in Nix

Today I wanted to move one of my Haskell projects to GHC 9.2.4 and found that envy didn't compile due to an upper bound on its dependency on bytestring, it didn't allow 0.11.*.

After creating a PR I decided I didn't want to wait for upstream so instead I started looking into options for patching the source of a derivation of a package from Hackage. In the past I've written about building Haskell packages from GitHub and an older one were I used callHackageDirect to build Haskell packages from Hackage. I wasn't sure how to patch up a package from Hackage though, but after a bit of digging through haskell-modules I found appendPatch.

The patch wasn't too hard to put together once I recalled the name of the patch queue tool I used regularly years ago, quilt. I put the resulting patch in the nix folder I already had, and the full override ended up looking like this

hl = haskell.lib;
hsPkgs = haskell.packages.ghc924;

extraHsPkgs = hsPkgs.override {
  overrides = self: super: {
    envy = hl.appendPatch (self.callHackageDirect {
      pkg = "envy";
      ver = "";
      sha256 =
    } { }) ./nix/envy-fix-deps.patch;
Tags: haskell nix
13 Mar 2022

Simple nix flake for Haskell development

Recently I've moved over to using flakes in my Haskell development projects. It took me a little while to arrive at a pattern a flake for Haskell development that I like. I'm hoping sharing it might help others when doing the same change

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
      with nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
        t = lib.trivial;
        hl = haskell.lib;

        name = "project-name";

        project = devTools: # [1]
          let addBuildTools = (t.flip hl.addBuildTools) devTools;
          in haskellPackages.developPackage {
            root = lib.sourceFilesBySuffices ./. [ ".cabal" ".hs" ];
            name = name;
            returnShellEnv = !(devTools == [ ]); # [2]

            modifier = (t.flip t.pipe) [

      in {
        packages.pkg = project [ ]; # [3]

        defaultPackage = self.packages.${system}.pkg;

        devShell = project (with haskellPackages; [ # [4]

The main issue I ran into is getting a development shell out of haskellPackages.developPackage, it requires returnShellEnv to be true. Something that isn't too easy to find out. This means that the only solution I've found to getting a development shell is to have separate expressions for building and getting a shell. In the above flake the build expression, [3], passes an empty list of development tools, the argument devTools at [1], while the development shell expression, [4], passes in a list of tools needed for development only. The decision of whether the expression is for building or for a development shell, [2], then looks at the list of development tools passed in.

Tags: haskell nix
06 Jun 2021

ZSH, Nix, and completions

TIL that ZSH completions that come with Nix packages end up in ~/.nix-profile/share/zsh/vendor-completions/ and that folder is not added to $FPATH by the init script that comes with Nix.

After modifying the bit in ~/.zshenv it now looks like this

if [[ -f ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ ]]; then
    source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
    export fpath=(~/.nix-profile/share/zsh/vendor-completions ${fpath})
Tags: nix zsh
21 Apr 2021

First contribution to nixpkgs.haskellPackages

Nothing much to be proud of, but yesterday I found out that servant-docs was marked broken in nixpkgs even though it builds just fine and this morning I decided to do something about it.

So, with the help of a post on the NixOS discourse I put together my first PR.

Tags: nix haskell
13 Apr 2021

Nix shell, direnv and XDG_DATA_DIRS

A few weeks ago I noticed that I no longer could use haskell-hoogle-lookup-from-website in Emacs. After a bit of experimentation I found that the reason was that I couldn't use xdg-open in a Nix shell. Yesterday I finally got around to look into further.

It's caused by direnv overwriting XDG_DATA_DIRS rather than appending to it. Of course someone already reported a bug already.

The workaround is to use

use nix --keep XDG_DATA_DIRS
Tags: nix direnv
30 Nov 2020

Haskell, Nix and using packages from GitHub

The other day I bumped into what turned out to be a bug in Amazonka where sockets weren't closed in a timely fashion and thus the process ran out of file descriptors. Some more digging and an issue later I found that a fix most likely already in place (mine was possibly a duplicate of an older issue). Now I only had to verify if that was the case by using the most recent, and unreleased code on the develop branch of Amazonka.

My first thought was to attempt to instruct Cabal to build the bits of Amazonka I need by putting a few source-repository-package stanzas in my config. That quickly started to look like a bit of a rabbit hole, so I decided to use Nix instead. After finding the perfect SO post and looking up yet again how to do overrides for Haskell I ran cabal2nix for the three packages I need:

cabal2nix --no-haddock --no-check --subpath amazonka \
  git:// > amazonka.nix
cabal2nix --no-haddock --no-check --subpath core \
  git:// > amazonka-core.nix
cabal2nix --no-haddock --no-check --subpath amazonka-sqs \
  git:// > amazonka-sqs.nix

The relevant part of the old Nix expression looked like this:

thePkg = haskellPackages.developPackage {
  root = lib.cleanSource ./.;
  name = name;

  modifier = (t.flip t.pipe)

After adding the overrides it looked like this

hp = haskellPackages.override {
  overrides = self: super: {
    amazonka-core = self.callPackage ./amazonka-core.nix {};
    amazonka = self.callPackage ./amazonka.nix {};
    amazonka-sqs = self.callPackage ./amazonka-sqs.nix {};

thePkg = hp.developPackage {
  root = lib.cleanSource ./.;
  name = name;

  modifier = (t.flip t.pipe)

After a somewhat longer-than-usual build I could verify that I had indeed bumped into the same issue and my issue was a duplicate.

Tags: haskell nix
22 Jun 2020

Better Nix setup for Spacemacs

In an earlier post I documented my setup for getting Spacemacs/Emacs to work with Nix. I've since found a much more elegant solution based on

No more Emacs packages for Nix and no need to defining functions that wrap executables in an invocation of nix-shell.

There's a nice bonus too, with this setup I don't need to run nix-shell, which always drops me at a bash prompt, instead I get a working setup in my shell of choice.

Setting up direnv

The steps for setting up direnv depends a bit on your setup, but luckily I found the official instructions for installing direnv to be very clear and easy to follow. There's not much I can add to that.

Setting up Spacemacs

Since emacs-direnv isn't included by default in Spacemacs I needed to do a bit of setup. I opted to create a layer for it, rather than just drop it in the list dotspacemacs-additional-packages. Yes, a little more complicated, but not difficult and I nurture an intention of submitting the layer for inclusion in Spacemacs itself at some point. I'll see where that goes.

For now, I put the following in the file ~/.emacs.d/private/layers/direnv/packages.el:

(defconst direnv-packages

(defun direnv/init-direnv ()
  (use-package direnv

Setting up the project folders

In each project folder I then add the file .envrc containing a single line:


Then I either run direnv allow from the command line, or run the function direnv-allow after opening the folder in Emacs.

Using it

It's as simple as moving into the folder in a shell – all required envvars are set up on entry and unset on exit.

In Emacs it's just as simple, just open a file in a project and the envvars are set. When switching to a buffer outside the project the envvars are unset.

There is only one little caveat, nix-build doesn't work inside a Nix shell. I found out that running

IN_NIX_SHELL= nix-build

does work though.

Tags: emacs nix spacemacs
02 Feb 2020

My ghcide build for Nix

I was slightly disappointed to find out that not all packages on Hackage that are marked as present in Nix(pkgs) actually are available. Quite a few of them are marked broken and hence not installable. One of these packages is ghcide.

There are of course expressions available for getting a working ghcide executable installed, like ghcide-nix. However, since I have rather simple needs for my Haskell projects I thought I'd play with my own approach to it.

What I care about is:

  1. availability of the development tools I use, at the moment it's mainly ghcide but I'm planning on making use of ormolu in the near future
  2. pre-built packages
  3. ease of use

So, I put together ghcide-for-nix. It's basically just a constumized Nixpkgs where the packages needed to un-break ghcide are present.

Usage is a simple import away:

import (builtins.fetchGit {
  name = "ghcide-for-nix";
  url =;
  rev = "927a8caa62cece60d9d66dbdfc62b7738d61d75f";

and it'll give you a superset of Nixpkgs. Pre-built packages are available on Cachix.

It's not sophisticated, but it's rather easy to use and suffices for my purposes.

Tags: haskell nix
07 Dec 2019

Nix setup for Spacemacs

Edit 2020-06-22: I've since found a better setup for this.

When using ghcide and LSP, as I wrote about in my post on Haskell, ghcide, and Spacemacs, I found myself ending up recompiling a little too often. This pushed me to finally start looking at Nix. After a bit of a fight I managed to get ghcide from Nix, which brought me the issue of setting up Spacemacs. Inspired by a gist from Samuel Evans-Powell and a guide to setting up an environment for Reflex by Thales Macedo Garitezi I ended up with the following setup:

(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook #'lsp)
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'nix-haskell-mode)
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook
            (lambda ()
              (setq-local flycheck-executable-find
                          (lambda (cmd)
                            (nix-executable-find (nix-current-sandbox) cmd)))
              (setq-local flycheck-command-wrapper-function
                          (lambda (argv)
                            (apply 'nix-shell-command (nix-current-sandbox) argv)))
              (setq-local haskell-process-wrapper-function
                          (lambda (argv)
                            (apply 'nix-shell-command (nix-current-sandbox) argv)))
              (setq-local lsp-haskell-process-wrapper-function
                          (lambda (argv)
                            `("nix-shell" "-I" "." "--command" "ghcide --lsp" ,(nix-current-sandbox))))))
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook
            (lambda ()
              (flycheck-add-next-checker 'lsp-ui '(warning . haskell-stack-ghc))))

It seems to work, but please let me know if you have suggestions for improvements.

Tags: emacs nix spacemacs
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