02 Feb 2020

My ghcide build for Nix

I was slightly disappointed to find out that not all packages on Hackage that are marked as present in Nix(pkgs) actually are available. Quite a few of them are marked broken and hence not installable. One of these packages is ghcide.

There are of course expressions available for getting a working ghcide executable installed, like ghcide-nix. However, since I have rather simple needs for my Haskell projects I thought I'd play with my own approach to it.

What I care about is:

  1. availability of the development tools I use, at the moment it's mainly ghcide but I'm planning on making use of ormolu in the near future
  2. pre-built packages
  3. ease of use

So, I put together ghcide-for-nix. It's basically just a constumized Nixpkgs where the packages needed to un-break ghcide are present.

Usage is a simple import away:

import (builtins.fetchGit {
  name = "ghcide-for-nix";
  url = https://github.com/magthe/ghcide-for-nix;
  rev = "927a8caa62cece60d9d66dbdfc62b7738d61d75f";

and it'll give you a superset of Nixpkgs. Pre-built packages are available on Cachix.

It's not sophisticated, but it's rather easy to use and suffices for my purposes.

Tags: haskell nix