Posts tagged "mocks":
A first look at HMock
The other day I found Chris Smith's HMock: First Rate Mocks in Haskell (link to
hackage) and thought it could be nice see if it can clear up some of the tests I
have in a few of the Haskell projects at work. All the projects follow the
pattern of defining custom monads for effects (something like final tagless)
with instances implemented on a stack of monads from MTL. It's a pretty standard
thing in Haskell I'd say, especially since the monad stack very often ends up
being ReaderT MyConfig IO
I decided to try it first on a single such custom monad, one for making HTTP requests:
class Monad m => MonadHttpClient m where mHttpGet :: String -> m (Status, ByteString) mHttpPost :: (Typeable a, Postable a) => String -> a -> m (Status, ByteString)
Yes, the underlying implementation uses wreq, but I'm not too bothered by that
shining through. Also, initially I didn't have that Typeable a
constraint on
, it got added after a short exchange about KnownSymbol
with Chris.
To dip a toe in the water I thought I'd simply write tests for the two effects themselves. First of all there's an impressive list of extensions needed, and then the monad needs to be made mockable:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} makeMockable ''MonadHttpClient
After that, writing a test with HMock for mHttpGet
was fairly straight
forward, I could simply follow the examples in the package's documentation. I'm
using tasty for organising the tests though:
httpGetTest :: TestTree httpGetTest = testCase "Get" $ do (s, b) <- runMockT $ do expect $ MHttpGet "url" |-> (status200, "result") mHttpGet "url" status200 @=? s "result" @=? b
The effect for sending a POST
request was slightly trickier, as can be seen in
the issue linked above, but with some help I came up with the following:
httpPostTest :: TestTree httpPostTest = testCase "Post" $ do (s, b) <- runMockT $ do expect $ MHttpPost_ (eq "url") (typed @ByteString anything) |-> (status201, "result") mHttpPost "url" ("hello" :: ByteString) status201 @=? s "result" @=? b
Next step
My hope is that using HMock will remove the need for creating a bunch of test implementations for the various custom monads for effects1 in the projects, thereby reducing the amount of test code overall. I also suspect that it will make the tests clearer and easier to read, as the behaviour of the mocks are closer to the tests using the mocks.
Basically they could be looked at as hand-written mocks.