26 Apr 2023

Some practical Haskell

As I'm nearing the end of my time with my current employer I thought I'd put together some bits of practical Haskell that I've put into production. We only have a few services in Haskell, and basically I've had to sneak them into production. I'm hoping someone will find something useful. I'd be even happier if I get pointers on how to do this even better.


I've written about that earlier in three posts:

  1. A take on log messages
  2. A take on logging
  3. Logging with class

Final exception handler

After reading about the uncaught exception handler in Serokell's article I've added the following snippet to all the services.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    originalHandler <- getUncaughtExceptionHandler
    setUncaughtExceptionHandler $ handle originalHandler . lastExceptionHandler logger

lastExceptionHandler :: Logger -> SomeException -> IO ()
lastExceptionHandler logger e = do
    fatalIO logger $ lm $ "uncaught exception: " <> displayException e

Handling signals

To make sure the platform we're running our services on is happy with a service it needs to handle SIGTERM, and when running it locally during development, e.g. for manual testing, it's nice if it also handles SIGINT.

The following snippet comes from a service that needs to make sure that every iteration of its processing is completed before shutting down, hence the IORef that's used to signal whether procession should continue or not.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    cont <- newIORef True
    void $ installHandler softwareTermination (Catch $ sigHandler logger cont) Nothing
    void $ installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch $ sigHandler logger cont) Nothing

sigHandler :: Logger -> IORef Bool -> IO ()
sigHandler logger cont = do
    infoIO logger "got a signal, shutting down"
    writeIORef cont False


Due to some details about how networking works in our platform it's currently not possible to use network-based probing. Instead we have to use files. There are two probes that are of interest

  • A startup probe, existance of the file signals that the service has started as is about being processing.
  • A progress probe, a timestamp signals the time the most recent iteration of processing finished1.

I've written a little bit about the latter before in A little Haskell: epoch timestamp, but here I'm including both functions.

createPidFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
createPidFile fn = getProcessID >>= writeFile fn . show

writeTimestampFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m ()
writeTimestampFile fn = liftIO $ do
    getPOSIXTime >>= (writeFile fn . show) . truncate @_ @Int64 . (* 1000)



The actual probing is then done using a command that compares the saved timestamp with the current time. As long as the difference is smaller than a threshold the probe succeeds.

Tags: haskell
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