08 May 2022

A little Haskell: epoch timestamp

A need of getting the current UNIX time is something that comes up every now and then. Just this week I needed it in order to add a k8s liveness probe1.

While it's often rather straight forward to get the Unix time as an integer in other languages2, in Haskell there's a bit of type tetris involved.

  1. getPOSIXTime gives me a POSIXTime, which is an alias for NominalDiffTime.
  2. NominalDiffTime implements RealFrac and can thus be converted to anything implementing Integral (I wanted it as Int64).
  3. NominalDiffTime also implements Num, so if the timestamp needs better precision than seconds it's easy to do (I needed milliseconds).

The combination of the above is something like

truncate <$> getPOSIXTime

In my case the full function of writing the timestamp to a file looks like this

writeTimestampFile :: MonadIO m => Path Abs File -> m ()
writeTimestampFile afn = liftIO $ do
    truncate @_ @Int64 . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime >>= writeFile (fromAbsFile afn) . show



Over the last few days I've looked into k8s probes. Since we're using Istio TCP probes are of very limited use, and as the service in question doesn't offer an HTTP API I decided to use a liveness command that checks that the contents of a file is a sufficiently recent epoch timestamp.


Rust's Chrono package has Utc.timestamp(t). Python has time.time(). Golang has Time.Unix.

Tags: haskell k8s
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