Posts tagged "warp":

03 Feb 2024

Bending Warp

In the past I've noticed that Warp both writes to stdout at times and produces some default HTTP responses, but I've never bothered taking the time to look up what possibilities it offers to changes this behaviour. I've also always thought that I ought to find out how Warp handles signals.

If you wonder why this would be interesting to know there are three main points:

  1. The environments where the services run are set up to handle structured logging. In our case it should be JSONL written to stdout, i.e. one JSON object per line.
  2. We've decided that the error responses we produce in our code should be JSON, so it's irritating to have to document some special cases where this isn't true just because Warp has a few default error responses.
  3. Signal handling is, IMHO, a very important part of writing a service that runs well in k8s as it uses signals to handle the lifetime of pods.

Looking through the Warp API

Browsing through the API documentation for Warp it wasn't too difficult to find the interesting pieces, and that Warp follows a fairly common pattern in Haskell libraries

  • There's a function called runSettings that takes an argument of type Settings.
  • The default settings are available in a variable called defaultSettings (not very surprising).
  • There are several functions for modifying the settings and they all have the same shape

    setX :: X -> Settings -> Settings.

    which makes it easy to chain them together.

  • The functions I'm interested in now are
    the default handler, defaultOnException, prints the exception to stdout using its Show instance
    the default responses are produced by defaultOnExceptionResponse and contain plain text response bodies
    the default behaviour is to wait for all ongoing requests and then shut done
    sets the number of seconds to wait for ongoing requests to finnish, the default is to wait indefinitely

Some experimenting

In order to experiment with these I put together a small API using servant, app, with a main function using runSettings and stringing together a bunch of modifications to defaultSettings.

main :: IO ()
main = Log.withLogger $ \logger -> do
    Log.infoIO logger "starting the server"
    runSettings (mySettings logger defaultSettings) (app logger)
    Log.infoIO logger "stopped the server"
    mySettings logger = myShutdownHandler logger . myOnException logger . myOnExceptionResponse

myOnException logs JSON objects (using the logging I've written about before, here and here). It decides wether to log or not using defaultShouldDisplayException, something I copied from defaultOnException.

myOnException :: Log.Logger -> Settings -> Settings
myOnException logger = setOnException handler
    handler mr e = when (defaultShouldDisplayException e) $ case mr of
        Nothing -> Log.warnIO logger $ lm $ "exception: " <> T.pack (show e)
        Just _ -> do
            Log.warnIO logger $ lm $ "exception with request: " <> T.pack (show e)

myExceptionResponse responds with JSON objects. It's simpler than defaultOnExceptionResponse, but it suffices for my learning.

myOnExceptionResponse :: Settings -> Settings
myOnExceptionResponse = setOnExceptionResponse handler
    handler _ =
            [(H.hContentType, "application/json; charset=utf-8")]
            (encode $ object ["error" .= ("Something went wrong" :: String)])

Finally, myShutdownHandler installs a handler for SIGTERM that logs and then shuts down.

myShutdownHandler :: Log.Logger -> Settings -> Settings
myShutdownHandler logger = setInstallShutdownHandler shutdownHandler
    shutdownAction = Log.infoIO logger "closing down"
    shutdownHandler closeSocket = void $ installHandler sigTERM (Catch $ shutdownAction >> closeSocket) Nothing


I really ought to have looked into this sooner, especially as it turns out that Warp offers all the knobs and dials I could wish for to control these aspects of its behaviour. The next step is to take this and put it to use in one of the services at $DAYJOB

Tags: haskell warp
03 Jul 2021

The timeout manager exception

The other day I bumped the dependencies of a Haskell project at work and noticed a new exception being thrown:

Thread killed by timeout manager

After a couple of false starts (it wasn't the connection pool, nor was it servant) I realised that a better approach would be to look at the list of packages that were updated as part of the dependency bumping.1 Most of them I thought would be very unlikely sources of it, but two in the list stood out:

Package Pre Post
unliftio 0.2.14 0.2.18
warp 3.3.15 3.3.16

warp since the exception seemed to be thrown shortly after handling an HTTP request, and unliftio since the exception was caught by the handler for uncaught exceptions and its description contains "thread". Also, when looking at the code changes in warp on GitHub2 I found that some of the changes introduced was increased use of unliftio for async stuff. The changes contain mentions of TimeoutThread and System.TimeManager. That sounded promising, and it lead me to the TimeoutThread exception in time-manager.

With that knowledge I could quickly adjust the handler for uncaught exceptions to not log TimeoutThread as fatal:

lastExceptionHandler :: LoggerSet -> SomeException -> IO ()
lastExceptionHandler logger e
  | Just TimeoutThread <- fromException e = return ()
  | otherwise = do
      logFatalIoS logger $ pack $ "uncaught exception: " <> displayException e
      flushLogStr logger

I have to say it was a bit more work to arrive at this than I'd have liked. I reckon there are easier ways to track down the information I needed. So I'd love to hear what tricks and tips others have.



As a bonus it gave me a good reason to reach for comm, a command that I rarely use but for some reason always enjoy.


GitHub's compare feature isn't very easy to discover, but a URL like this…warp-3.3.16 (note the 3 dots!) does the trick.

Tags: haskell warp servant
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