16 Mar 2025

Using lens-aeson to implement FromJSON

At work I sometimes need to deal with large and deep JSON objects where I'm only interested in a few of the values. If all the interesting values are on the top level, then aeson have functions that make it easy to implement FromJSON's parseJSON (Constructors and accessors), but if the values are spread out then the functions in aeson come up a bit short. That's when I reach for lens-aeson, as lenses make it very easy to work with large structures. However, I've found that using its lenses to implement parseJSON become a lot easier with a few helper functions.

Many of the lenses produces results wrapped in Maybe, so the first function is one that transforms a Maybe a to a Parser a. Here I make use of Parser implementing MonadFail.

infixl 8 <!>
(<!>) :: (MonadFail m) => Maybe a -> String -> m a
(<!>) mv err = maybe (fail err) pure mv

In some code I wrote this week I used it to extract the user name out of a JWT produced by Keycloak:

instance FromJSON OurClaimsSet where
    parseJSON = ... $ \o -> do
        cs <- parseJSON o
        n <- o ^? key "preferred_username" . _String <!> "preferre username missing"
        pure $ OurClaimsSet cs n ...

Also, all the lenses start with a Value and that makes the withX functions in aeson to not be a perfect fit. So I define variations of the withX functions, e.g.

withObjectV :: String -> (Value -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withObjectV s f = withObject s (f . Object)

That makes the full FromJSON instance for OurClaimsSet looks like this

instance FromJSON OurClaimsSet where
    parseJSON = withObjectV "OurClaimsSet" $ \o -> do
        cs <- parseJSON o
        n <- o ^? key "preferred_username" . _String <!> "name"
        let rs = o ^.. key "resource_access" . members . key "roles" . _Array . traverse . _String
        pure $ OurClaimsSet cs n rs
Tags: haskell
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