19 Jan 2025

Reviewing GitHub PRs in Emacs

My Emacs config's todo-list has long had an item about finding some way to review GitHub PRs without having to leave Emacs and when the forge issue that I subscribe to came alive again I thought it was time to see if I can improve my config.

I found three packages for doing reviews

I've tried the first one before but at the time it didn't seem to work at all. Apparently that's improved somewhat, though there's a PR with a change that's necessary to make it work.1 The first two don't support comments on multiple lines of a PR, there are issues/discussions for both

The last one, emacs-pr-review does support commenting on multiple lines, but it lacks a nice way of opening a review from magit. What I can do is

  1. position the cursor on a PR in the magit status view, then
  2. copy the the PR's URL using forge-copy-url-at-point-as-kill, and
  3. open the PR by calling pr-review and pasting the PR's URL.

Which I did for a few days until I got tired of it and wrote a function to cut out they copy/paste part.

(defun mes/pr-review-via-forge ()
  (if-let* ((target (forge--browse-target))
            (url (if (stringp target) target (forge-get-url target)))
            (rev-url (pr-review-url-parse url)))
      (pr-review url)
    (user-error "No PR to review at point")))

I've bound it to a key in magit-mode-map to make it easier.

I have to say I'm not completely happy with emacs-pr-review, so if either of the other two sort out commenting on multiple lines I'll check them out again.

My full setup for pr-review is here.



The details can be found among the comments of the forge issue.

Tags: emacs
Comment here.