01 Sep 2024

Improving how I handle secrets in my work notes

At work I use org-mode to keep notes about useful ways to query our systems, mostly that involves using the built-in SQL support to access DBs and ob-http to send HTTP requests. In both cases I often need to provide credentials for the systems. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but for a long time I've taken the easy path and kept all credentials in clear text. Every time I've used one of those code blocks I've thought I really ought to find a better way of handling these secrets one of these days. Yesterday was that day.

I ended up with two functions that uses auth-source and its ~/.authinfo.gpg file.

(defun mes/auth-get-pwd (host)
  "Get the password for a host (authinfo.gpg)"
  (-> (auth-source-search :host host)
      (plist-get :secret)

(defun mes/auth-get-key (host key)
  "Get a key's value for a host (authinfo.gpg)

Not usable for getting the password (:secret), use 'mes/auth-get-pwd'
for that."
  (-> (auth-source-search :host host)
      (plist-get key)))

It turns out that the library can handle more keys than the documentation suggests so for DB entries I'm using a machine (:host) that's a bit shorter and easier to remember than the full AWS hostname. Then I keep the DB host and name in dbhost (:dbhost) and dbname (:dbname) respectively. That makes an entry look like this:

machine db.svc login user port port password pwd dbname dbname dbhost dbhost

If I use it in a property drawer it looks like this

:header-args:sql: :engine postgresql
:header-args:sql+: :dbhost (mes/auth-get-key "db.svc" :dbhost)
:header-args:sql+: :dbport (string-to-number (mes/auth-get-key "db.svc" :port))
:header-args:sql+: :dbuser (mes/auth-get-key "db.svc" :user)
:header-args:sql+: :dbpassword (mes/auth-get-pwd "db.svc")
:header-args:sql+: :database (mes/auth-get-key "db.svc" :dbname)
Tags: emacs org-mode
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