27 Mar 2023

Cabal, tree-sitter, and consult

After my last post I thought I'd move on to implement the rest of the functions in haskell-mode's major mode for Cabal, functions like haskell-cabal-goto-library-section and haskell-cabal-goto-executable-section. Then I realised that what I really want is a way to quickly jump to any section, that is, I want consult-cabal!

What follows is very much a work-in-progress, but hopefully it'll show enough promise.

Listing the sections

As I have a tree-sitter parse tree to hand it is fairly easy to fetch all the nodes corresponding to sections. Since the last post I've made some improvements to the parser and now the parse tree looks like this (I can recommend the function treesit-explore-mode to expore the parse tree, I've found it invaluable ever since I realised it existed)

 (properties ...)
  (common common (section_name) ...)
  (library library ...)
  (executable executable (section_name) ...)

That is, all the sections are children of the node called sections.

The function to use for fetching all the nodes is treesit-query-capture, it needs a node to start on, which this case should be the full parse tree, i.e. (treesit-buffer-root-node 'cabal) and a query string. Given the structure of the parse tree, and that I want to capture all children of sections, a query string like this one works

"(cabal (sections (_)* @section))"

Finally, by default treesit-query-capture returns a list of tuples of the form (<capture> . <node>), but in this case I only want the list of nodes, so the full call will look like this

(treesit-query-capture (treesit-buffer-root-node 'cabal)
                       "(cabal (sections (_)* @section))"
                       nil nil t)

Hooking it up to consult

As I envision adding more things to jump to in the future, I decided to make use of consult--multi. That in turn means I need to define a "source" for the sections. After a bit of digging and rummaging in the consult source I put together this

(defvar consult-cabal--source-section
  `(:name "Sections"
    :category location
    :action ,#'consult-cabal--section-action
    :items ,#'consult-cabal--section-items)
  "Definition of source for Cabal sections.")

which means I need two functions, consult-cabal--section-action and consult-cabal--section-items. I started with the latter.

Getting section nodes as items for consult

It took me a while to work understand how this would ever be able to work. The function that :items point to must return a list of strings, but how would I ever be able to use just a string to jump to the correct location?

The solution is in a comment in the documentation of consult--multi:

:items - List of strings to select from or function returning list of strings. Note that the strings can use text properties to carry metadata, which is then available to the :annotate, :action and :state functions.

I'd never come across text properties in Emacs before, so at first I completely missed those two words. Once I'd looked up the concept in the documentation everything fell into place. The function consult-cabal--section-items would simply attach the relevant node as a text property to the strings in the list.

My current version, obviously a work-in-progress, takes a list of nodes and turns them naïvely into a string and attaches the node. I split it into two functions, like this

(defun consult-cabal--section-to-string (section)
  "Convert a single SECTION node to a string."
  (propertize (format "%S" section)
              :treesit-node section))

(defun consult-cabal--section-items ()
  "Fetch all sections as a list of strings ."
  (let ((section-nodes (treesit-query-capture (treesit-buffer-root-node 'cabal)
                                              "(cabal (sections (_)* @section))"
                                              nil nil t)))
    (mapcar #'consult-cabal--section-to-string section-nodes)))

Implementing the action

The action function is called with the selected item, i.e. with the string and its properties. That means, to jump to the selected section the function needs to extract the node property, :treesit-node, and jump to the start of it. the function to use is get-text-property, and as all characters in the string will have to property I just picked the first one. The jumping itself I copied from the navigation functions I'd written before.

(defun consult-cabal--section-action (item)
  "Go to the section referenced by ITEM."
  (when-let* ((node (get-text-property 0 :treesit-node item))
              (new-pos (treesit-node-start node)))
    (goto-char new-pos)))

Tying it together with consult--multi

The final function, consult-cabal, looks like this

(defun consult-cabal ()
  "Choose a Cabal construct and jump to it."
  (consult--multi '(consult-cabal--source-section)
                  :sort nil))

Conclusions and where to find the code

The end result works as intended, but it's very rough. I'll try to improve it a bit more. In particular I want

  1. better strings - (format "%S" node) is all right to start with, but in the long run I want strings that describe the sections, and
  2. preview as I navigate between items - AFAIU this is what the :state field is for, but I still haven't looked into how it works.

The source can be found here.

Tags: cabal consult emacs tree-sitter
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