01 Jan 2022

Trimming newline on code block variable

Today I found ob-http and decided to try it out a little. I quickly ran into a problem of a trailing newline. Basically I tried to do something like this:

#+name: id
#+begin_src http :select .id :cache yes
POST /foo
Content-Type: application/json

  "foo": "toto",
  "bar": "tata"

#+RESULTS[c5fd99206822a2109d7ac1d140185e6ec3f4f1d9]: id

#+header: :var id=id
#+begin_src http
POST /foo/${id}/fix

The trailing newline messes up the URL though, and the second code block fails.

I found two ways to deal with it, using a table and using org-sbe

Using a table

#+name: id
#+begin_src http :select .id :cache yes :results table
POST /foo
Content-Type: application/json

  "foo": "toto",
  "bar": "tata"

#+RESULTS[c5fd99206822a2109d7ac1d140185e6ec3f4f1d9]: id
| 48722051-f81b-433f-acb4-a65d961ec841 |

#+header: :var id=id[0,0]
#+begin_src http
POST /foo/${id}/fix

Using org-sbe

#+name: id
#+begin_src http :select .id :cache yes
POST /foo
Content-Type: application/json

  "foo": "toto",
  "bar": "tata"

#+RESULTS[c5fd99206822a2109d7ac1d140185e6ec3f4f1d9]: id

#+header: :var id=(org-sbe id)
#+begin_src http
POST /foo/${id}/fix
Tags: emacs org-mode