11 Nov 2020

Combining Amazonka and Conduit

Combining amazonka and conduit turned out to be easier than I had expected.

Here's an SNS sink I put together today

snsSink :: (MonadAWS m, MonadIO m) => T.Text -> C.ConduitT Value C.Void m ()
snsSink topic = do
  C.await >>= \case
    Nothing -> pure ()
    Just msg -> do
      _ <- C.lift $ publishSNS topic (TL.toStrict $ TL.decodeUtf8 $ encode msg)
      snsSink topic

Putting it to use can be done with something like

foo = do
  awsEnv <- newEnv Discover
  runAWSCond awsEnv $
    <source producing Value> .| snsSink topicArn

    runAWSCond awsEnv = runResourceT . runAWS awsEnv . within Frankfurt . C.runConduit
Tags: amazonka aws conduit haskell