Choosing a conduit randomly
Lately I've been playing around conduit. One thing I wanted to try out was to set up processing where one processing step was chosen on random from a number of components, based on weights. In short I guess I wanted a function with a type something like this
foo :: [(Int, ConduitT i o m r)] -> ConduitT i o m r
I have to admit I don't even know where to start writing such a function1 but after a little bit of thinking I realised I could get the same effect by controlling how chunks of data is routed. That is, instead of choosing a component randomly, I can choose a route randomly. It would look something like when choosing from three components
+---------+ +----------+ +-------------+ | Filter | | Drop tag | | Component A | +-->| Value-0 |-->| |-->| |--+ | +---------+ +----------+ +-------------+ | +----------------+ | +---------+ +----------+ +-------------+ | | Choose random | | | Filter | | Drop tag | | Component B | | | value based on +----->| Value-1 |-->| |-->| |-----> | weights | | +---------+ +----------+ +-------------+ | +----------------+ | +---------+ +----------+ +-------------+ | | | Filter | | Drop tag | | Component C | | +-->| Value-2 |-->| |-->| |--+ +---------+ +----------+ +-------------+
That is
- For each chunk that comes in, choose a value randomly based on weights and tag the chunk with the choosen value, then
- split the processing into one route for each component,
- in each route filter out chunks tagged with a single value, and
- remove the tag, then
- pass the chunk to the component, and finally
- bring the routes back together again.
Out of these steps all but the very first one are already available in conduit:
- for splitting routes combining them again, use
- for filtering, use
- for dropping the tag, use
What's left is the beginning. I started with a function to pick a value on random based on weights2
pickByWeight :: [(Int, b)] -> IO b pickByWeight xs = randomRIO (1, tot) >>= \ n -> return (pick n xs) where tot = sum $ map fst xs pick n ((k, x):xs) | n <= k = x | otherwise = pick (n - k) xs pick _ _ = error "pick error"
Using that I then made a component that tags chunks
picker ws = do evt <- await case evt of Nothing -> return () Just e -> do p <- liftIO $ pickByWeight ws yield (p, e) picker ws
I was rather happy with this…
@snoyberg just have to let you know, conduit is a joy to use. Thanks for sharing it.
– Magnus Therning (@magthe) February 6, 2019